We can’t stress the importance of purchasing cigars from a reputable and registered online retailer. The shopping convenience brought about, by the internet, of buying cigars anytime and anywhere is fun and enjoyable if we arm ourselves with excellent tips and guidelines.
Here are some essential tips that you should put into play when purchasing cigars online.
Carry fresh cigars
The quality of cigars purchased defines your smoking experience. The online store you choose to buy your cigars from must keep their cigars at about 70 degrees and 70% humidity.
If you’ve any doubts about the maintenance, be sure to contact the store and make inquiries. If they can respond to all your queries and are confident about their cigars’ safety, go on to make a purchase.
Fast delivery and shipping
You don’t want your cigars online delivered weeks from the day you want to smoke them. You don’t want to keep making calls to make inquiries on your order’s status from time to time.
Always select an online store that has first delivery and shipping options to curb unnecessary panics and stress. Remember, the longer your cigars take out of a humidor when shipping, the lower the freshness and quality.
Trying cigar singles option.
Always ask for singles if you are not sure which type or brand suits you best. You don’t want to spend a lot of money on something that won’t fully satisfy your taste buds in the end. An excellent online store should be in a position to offer cigar singles, after which you can decide if you want to purchase the whole box or not. It’s wiser to taste at least two cigars of the same brand before making a decision.
Secure and safe website
Select a website that uses SSL or the latest encryption technology to guarantee safety. This ensures that the information you pass on through your computer is encrypted and cannot be accessed by a third party.
All reputable online stores have their terms and privacy policy stipulated on their page. Be sure to go through them before making a purchase. Always use a strong password with a combination of both letters and password to prevent hacking.
Easy to contact
Even if you are not new to cigars, you might require some advice or even make queries from time to time. Always go for an online site that gives you access to contacts of their service team. Their team should be knowledgeable, friendly, and available at all times.
Online stores are the best place to purchase your cigars since you can make a purchase at anytime from anywhere, but it comes with its own shortcomings. If you want to buy cigars from an online store, be sure to follow these tips and tricks to avoid regrets in the future. Always do a background check on every online store before making a purchase. You can also ask for recommendations from your friends or family members who have purchased their cigars onlinebefore. Be sure to check out for amazing deals online, as this can save you some pennies. Nonetheless, if the deal is too good, think twice. Happy shopping!
Read more:
Tips for buying cigars online