How to improve employee productivity and well-being

Employees form the backbone of every organization; they are integral for success, so how do you improve their productivity?

First, you should try to improve their well-being and happiness at work. Research has consistently shown that workers who feel acknowledged and appreciated at work perform better than unhappy employees. To help improve employee productivity and performance, here are some of the most effective tips:

Recognize Employee Achievements

Recognizing employee achievements is one of the best ways to increase employee well-being and happiness. Whether you applaud an employee’s recent hard work on a project or how they helped another coworker, any recognition can go a long way to making employees feel more appreciated and satisfied at work. This is best done by regularly setting aside time in group or one-on-one meetings to acknowledge standout employees and their achievements.

Encourage Employees to Take Care of Their Physical Health

Physical health plays a huge role in mental health and overall well-being. Management should encourage employees to take care of themselves by routinely going on walks and eating healthy foods. For help with weight loss or maintaining weight, the experts at RCMC Medical Center recommend drinking appetite suppressing tea when you feel the urge to snack between meals. This can help prevent overeating or binge eating sessions. Additionally, management should recommend that employees work with a nutritionist to help them plan their meals and snacks more effectively.

Provide Mental Health Resources

When employees feel sad, anxious, or overly stressed, they do not perform as well at work. Offering mental health services from Human Resources or an external mental health agency is crucial for preventing employee burnout or depression. Mental health “sick days” have also been effective at lowering worker stress and anxiety. Management should encourage employees to seek out help if needed and promote awareness of mental illnesses and burnout.

Reward Employees with Fun Outings

Employee performance is often increased if fun rewards or outings are offered for good performance. Some ideas include having a company-provided lunch once a week, going out for group dinner or drinks after a big sale or project, or getting breakfast for workers in the morning. These activities are also great for building teamwork and collaboration between coworkers, which in turn can improve productivity and project success. Offering monetary incentives can work as well, but typically group outings feel more personal and promote greater bonding between employees.


Overall, there are many easy ways that managers can improve employee well-being and productivity. By simply acknowledging helpful or hard-working employees, promoting positive physical and mental health habits, and offering incentives such as group meals can help employees feel more motivated to go the extra mile at work.

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