How Scrum can help improve your business?

Agile techniques offer an improved way to manage complex projects and product development.

They reflect the fact that businesses have changed a great deal over the past decades and are no longer the static, structured entities they once were.

Scrum is the most popular implementation of Agile consulting techniques. The Scrum framework helps organizations realize these benefits through leaner, iterative management approaches. The following are some of the main ways Scrum can improve your business.

Scrum offers a flexible approach to changing requirements

One of the foundations of Agile techniques and the Scrum framework was the challenge of changing requirements. Business and projects are not static, and setting up major projects this way has led to many costly failures or overruns. Scrum training courses are designed to manage change effectively. This allows requirements to evolve as the project progresses.

Iterative processes bring results faster and help estimates

Defining timescales is a significant challenge for many businesses and certainly for complex projects. Scrum focuses on producing results from the start. Project teams follow an iterative methodology, where each iteration leads to a usable result.

The Scrum approach brings meaningful results faster, and evaluation of these results feeds into further development. This is a concept that has obvious benefits in software development, but this extends to any complex business project or product development.

Scrum helps deal with challenges as they arise

Scrum is designed to be flexible and inclusive. It takes a real-world approach. This means it not just better manages challenges and problems when they arise – but is designed to expect them. When starting on any complex project, there are often unknown or changing requirements, and this is inherent in the Scrum framework.

The iterative approach allows for changes to be regularly incorporated. Better communication within the team and with key other parties involved also brings challenges to the forefront.

Increase productivity

The iterative nature of Scrum and its shorter duration ‘sprints’ keeps teams focussed. Constant review and evaluation of products bring a sense of urgency which helps maintain momentum in work. Faster work and increased productivity ultimately lead to lower costs.

Improved communication within teams

The Scrum framework highlights the importance of regular and focussed communication. Rather than ad-hoc meetings as needed, the framework defines key meetings that should be carried out. This includes daily ‘scrums.’ These are inclusive, short meetings that address key points. Each iteration or ‘sprint’ is also followed by a thorough review and planning for the next phase.

Scrum also places importance on communication with stakeholders. Each Scrum project should have a Project Owner defined. The responsibilities of this role include liaison with stakeholders and feeding this into the work carried out.

Everyone uses the same approach

A key advantage of using a formalized framework is the standard approach and terminology this brings. Everyone involved in a project should be working the same way. Others who interact with the project team can also be trained in the proper terminology relevant to them. This once again contributes to faster development, and should lead to fewer errors and misunderstandings.

Read more:
How Scrum can help improve your business?

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