How to Increase Your Reach on Instagram

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Instagram is one of the most popular platforms in the world. If you want to promote their brand on social media, having an Instagram is necessary.

But it can also be a tricky platform to grow if you don’t know what you’re doing. You may feel like you’re doing everything you’re supposed to. You post a photo, have a caption and hashtags, and upload. But the likes, comments, and follows aren’t coming. What gives?

This post will teach you how to improve your Instagram presence by increasing your reach. One way is to buy instagram views on the BuyTopLikes website. Let’s look at some other ways.

What is Instagram Reach?

To understand how you can increase your reach, it’s essential to understand what reach is. Instagram reach is how many people have seen your content in all platform areas. These areas include Discover, location, hashtag search, tagged post, and more. Reach counts for unique views. In other words, if 200 unique accounts saw your posts, but 50 of them viewed them multiple times, the number would still be 200 in your reach.

Reach is a vital metric because it helps you determine your social media marketing plan. If your account has good reach, you don’t need to spend as much time promoting it. However, if your reach is low, you may want to spend money to advertise your account or change your social media marketing strategy.

 How to Increase Your Reach

Now, let’s look at ways to increase your reach on the platform.

Up Your Hashtag and Keyword Game

Hashtags and keywords in your caption can help improve your reach. They make your posts more discoverable to people who may not have seen them otherwise. The people who see your posts can be a part of your target audience.

However, many people misuse hashtags and keywords. They may put vague and popular hashtags such as #viral, #instagood, or other hashtags used billions of times. Or, they may spam their posts with as many hashtags as possible.

If you’re only using the most popular tags, this can lead to your content being drowned by everyone else’s or your reach being penalized due to spamming.

The number of hashtags you should use is debatable. However, we recommend using around five. A couple of those hashtags can be broad, but a hashtag or two should also be more niche. Search hashtags related to your niche that have a following but aren’t too oversaturated. Also, consider using trending hashtags. If you can create content related to current trends that conform with your brand image, you can gain success.

Use Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels were introduced in 2020. Reels are short, vertical videos that Instagram implemented to compete with TikTok and similar platforms. By creating snappy Reels, keeping them short, and using the right hashtags and keywords, your reach can improve quite a bit. The algorithm favors Reels a lot. If your Reels resonate with your target audience, you can gain a lot of reach.

With any Reel, ensure the video is engaging, well-shot, edited, and helps people understand your branding. Don’t post Reels just to post Reels.

Post Content at the Right Time

Instagram’s wall does not post content chronologically, so many people believe they can post content whenever they want. However, the algorithm still recommends newer content to your audience. If you post at 3 AM, you may not see much interaction.

Of course, when your audience is the most active can depend from person to person. In some cases, 3 AM may be the perfect time! How can you know which audience is the most active? One way is to go to your insights. There, you can see the most active times for your audience. You can then schedule posts to be published at the correct times. Scheduling can also help if you’re a busy person, or asleep during the times when your audience is awake.

Post Regularly

If you post inconsistently or not at all, your reach may tank. You don’t need to spam photos all the time; that can hurt your reach as well. But you should post at least three times every week.

Creating a content calendar is one way to stay on track. If you have no idea what to post, you can also share user-generated content. If people post pictures of your products, feature them and give them credit. Interacting with your audience is another way to improve your reach.

Post Engagement Bait and Host Contests

Engagement bait refers to posts that have a solid call to action to like and comment on the post. For example, you may ask your audience a question, encouraging them to comment. Or, you may have a contest where a person who likes the photo you post can win a prize.

Engagement bait should not be used constantly. It can make your content seem spammy, and people may lose track of what your posts are about. However, posting engagement bait every now and then can give a great boost to your reach.

Collaborate and Promote

Finally, collaborate with other Instagram users who may post content similar to yours or whose target audience is similar. For example, you can make a Reel with another user. Or, you can have another user try your product and promote it.

Speaking of which, paying a little to boost your account can definitely help. Having an ads campaign or paying an influencer in your niche can give your account a big boost.

Final Thoughts

These methods can help you grow your Instagram account. You may not see results right away, but if you keep creating great content that appeals to your target audience, optimize the content with keywords and hashtags, and post regularly, people will come. If they do not go, figure out what you can do better. You may need to change what content you produce or post at different times. We hope this article was helpful to you.

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