ARTA launches app integrating business permit process, contact tracing

THE Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) will launch a digital platform unifying business permit transactions and contact tracing systems next month.

The Go SmARTApp, donated by Multisys Technologies Corp., will be used by local government units for business permit issuance and other transactions, ARTA said in a statement Thursday.

The platform will also incorporate the National Government coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) contact tracing application along with the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s electronic business permits system.

ARTA is also in talks with other agencies to integrate Social Amelioration Program fund transfers into the platform.

The Go SmARTApp expands and renames the Smart City platform initially intended solely for local government transactions. The expanded functions were endorsed by the Ease of Doing Business and Anti-Red Tape Advisory Council Wednesday.

The seven-person council includes representatives from various government agencies, the ARTA Director-General, and two private sector representatives.

The council will also endorse a multi-agency draft circular suspending illegal fees and taxes charged by local governments on goods transport.

“Among others, the memorandum will move to repeal policies, issuances, or ordinances imposing pass-through fees in several LGUs (local government units),” ARTA said. — Jenina P. Ibanez

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