Is working from home during the pandemic giving you a migraine? Experts reveal how to relieve symptoms from home

Studies over the last year have shown that more and more people are experiencing migraines whilst working from home.

There are a number of reasons why this is happening, and ultimately it means we become less motivated and productive due to feeling under the weather. Here, the experts at Chemist Click reveal how to relieve migraine symptoms from home so you can work in comfort.

What actually causes migraines whilst working from home?

  • Overworking
  • Stress
  • Increased screen time
  • Lack of fresh air or no lunch break
  • Not drinking enough fluids
  • A lack of routine

How to prevent and relive migraines from home:

1. Stay hydrated

This goes without saying but it is imperative to make sure you are drinking enough fluids throughout the day. Tea, coffee, juice and other liquids count towards your daily liquid intake however it is advised to try and drink still or sparkling water if you can. Around 8 glasses of water a day, or 2 litres should help to keep your body and mind hydrated and work to prevent migraines from occurring. If you find it hard to drink water throughout the day, try keeping a large water bottle by your desk which should prompt you to drink, you may also want to add fresh fruit such as lemons, limes and cucumber to your water to add natural flavour.

2. Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to migraines, as most likely you will notice initial symptoms worsening throughout the day. If this is the case, step away from your desk and go outside for some fresh air, have a glass of water or rest your eyes for 20 minutes to help ease any pain.

3. Try natural remedies

There are a number of ways you can prevent migraines naturally from home, essential oils such as lavender oil have notable benefits in preventing any pain. Dabbing a small amount to the temples of the head should help. Acupressure can also help relieve pain as well as ginger tea and magnesium supplements.

4. Cold compress

If you are experiencing a migraine you may want to place a cold compress or pack on your forehead, this is a really popular way of relieving any immediate pain quickly and easily. Wrap some ice cubes up in a towel, soak a flannel in ice cold water, grab a bag of frozen peas or even take a cold shower for 10 minutes.

5. Limit screen time

Working from home, the lines have blurred between work and life and many of us are finding that we are working increasingly longer hours due to not having a proper lunch break, no daily commute and limited after work social contact. This means that we are having much more screen time than usual with most people waking up and heading straight to their laptops, having lunch at their desk and then heading straight to the TV or Laptop in the evening. Increased screen time can promote eye strain and eye stress and in turn creating migraines.

Try to be strict with yourself and create a good routine to get into. Allow an hour in the morning for breakfast with no screens, perhaps do some morning yoga or go for a walk. An hour lunch breaks away from a screen will also help as well as ensuring you clock off at the correct time in the evening and stay away from screens for an hour or two – perhaps keep yourself busy by speaking to a friend on the phone or preparing a nice meal.

6. Have regular breaks

Regular breaks from the screen is a sure-fire way of helping to prevent future migraines from occurring. If your super busy with work and can’t manage an hour at lunch, take small 10-minute breaks throughout the day, so making a drink, phoning a friend, going for a short walk or doing some midday stretches.

7. Get some fresh air

Getting outside every day is imperative for not only our mental health but also our body and the more oxygen we allow into our lungs and blood the less likely migraines are to occur. Making sure you get outside at least once a day is super important for clearing the mind and relieving and stress and tensions of the day. Whether it’s morning, lunch or evening this is a great way to get some fresh oxygen to the brain. If you can’t get outside, keep the windows and doors open to allow fresh air to make its way into your home.

8. Exercise

Feeling stressed or cooped up working at home can cause us to feel lethargic and generally not great, so ensuring you do a spot of exercise such as running, yoga or even a brisk walk each day will help to relieve any tensions which could cause migraines from occurring. You may also want to get into the routine of doing daily stretches and meditation to prevent the body from becoming tight and to allow more oxygen into the body.

9. Create a separate office environment

Separating your work life from your normal life should help you to limit screen and work time and preventing you to become stressed or feel lethargic, these can all lead to a migraine if you’re not careful. If you can use a separate room as your office, then this will help to create clear boundaries between work and life. This also means that you are getting into a better routine and you can close the door on your office at 5.30 on the dot and have an evening to yourself.

10. Migraine Medication

If all else fails, of course there are a number of migraine medications you can take which will help to effectively and quickly relieve migraine pain. There a few options to choose from depending on severity and personal preference and you can also try nasal sprays as well as oral tablets such as Sumatriptan. If your migraines are getting considerably worse or are causing you to feel physically sick, dizzy and unable to do anything you may want to consult your GP.

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