TESDA, electronics industry developing certification standards

ELECTRONICS EXPORTERS are working with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to develop training standards and certification in the sector.

“It was recommended for TESDA… to explore the idea of establishing a public-private enterprise-based model for skills standard development and assessment,” TESDA Deputy Director General for Partnerships and Linkages Aniceto Bertiz III said in an online meeting Friday.

The partnership between Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Foundation, Inc. (SEIPI) and TESDA includes the development of national competency standards and assessments, putting together a trainer and assessor pool, laying the groundwork for a certification system, and promoting worker entrepreneurship in the semiconductor and electronics industry.

Mr. Bertiz said that forming a national certification body would professionalize and standardize skills evaluation.

“Training regulations shall then be implemented under the enterprise-based program with SEIPI, identified partner company. Hence, target learners are the ones who can be immediately hired by SEIPI partner companies and organizations,” he said.

“However, TESDA needs the assistance of SEIPI to implement standards being developed for the particular sector. At the moment there are competency standards, training regulations, and assessment tools that are already developed for this sector which are not being implemented.” — Jenina P. Ibanez

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