International travel: 5 ways to avoid a lengthy layover

When traveling for leisure, lengthy layovers are opportunities to sightsee, but those layovers eat up precious time for those traveling for business.

Sometimes the nature of your travel doesn’t allow for such dalliances.

If hours spent in airports between flights are hours you can’t afford to lose, you’ll need to do some preplanning.

Here are some of the best ways to avoid those inconvenient hitches in your travel plans.

1. Avoid Holiday Travel

The worst time to travel is during the holidays. Planes are full of passengers, and they reroute flights to accommodate the most passengers per flight. This period of time guarantees long layovers and may bring you to cities far past your destination for the layover.

2. Avoid Peak Times

Every day has peak times of travel. That is different for each airline, but in most cases, earlier flights are the worst. International flights will depend on schedules locally, as well as internationally. It’s best to talk to representatives ahead of time to find out the best times for travel to your destination country.

3. Upgrade to First Class

First-class passengers gain the benefit of a shorter layover. A plane may stop at a destination to unload passengers, pick up more passengers, and continue to their destination. First-class passengers will often wait in the aircraft for passengers to unload and load and possibly wait for refueling, then continue.

Passengers who unloaded have either reached their destination or wait for their next flights to arrive.

4. Schedule Months Ahead of Time

The best way to guarantee shorter layovers on commercial airlines is to schedule months in advance. That doesn’t guarantee a shorter layover since commercial airlines may change their itinerary at any moment.

5. Rent a Charter Plane

Charter planes not only minimize that lengthy layover but generally eliminate it. Long-range and heavy jets can accommodate up to fourteen passengers and fly around 12 hours, or 6,000 miles, without landing. These jets can pick you up wherever you need them and take you directly to your destination.

Do you need more space? You can rent a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which will hold hundreds of passengers, and not worry about landing for the next 17 hours. With a 9,000-mile flight capacity, your entire company can travel in style with no stops.

Make Layovers a Thing of the Past

With the fleet at Access Jet Group, you can customize your travel experience in every way that counts. When booking a private flight, you and your traveling companions won’t ever have to deal with crowded airports, long security lines, flight delays, or long layovers.

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